This. Do this. June 30/22

Get a notebook, call it “My Life Story”, and you begin writing Chapter 1:

“My Life Story Relative to Abundance.”

And you just fabricate a fabulous fairy tale that is pleasing to you, and you say: “This is the new me! The vibrational, virtual me!”

We promise you, if you will tell that story for just a little while instead of the story that you’ve been telling, the Universe doesn’t know whether the story you are telling is the reality you are living or not.

The Universe only knows that it’s the vibration that’s activated. And the vibration that is activated is the vibration that Law Of Attraction is responding to.


We’re asking something pretty significant of all of you…we’re asking you to ignore the reality that’s had nearly your undivided attention and to hang your star on your emotions just for a little while…because we know when you do it your reality will flip. But it takes – that’s what faith is – faith is finding the vibration without the evidence that backs it up. And most people are looking for the evidence out here in reality. You want to manifest your relationship with your Vortex. You want to manifest joy. You want to manifest goosebumps. Goosebumps are a manifestation. You want to manifest pure positive emotion. You want to manifest humor and fun! You want to manifest emotions because you can manifest the emotions right here right now…the other stuff’s comin’ but you can manifest the emotions right here right now and when you show yourself your very easy ability to do that…all the other stuff is fast on the heels of that. Get that going on and everything else follows. And it follows fast.

~ Abraham-Hicks

My Life Story Relative to Love
This is the new me. The vibrational, virtual me:

We love each other and he comes back for a bit. And loves it and kind of re-proposes and asks can he stay can we.
And we do.
And we have decades of happy healthy love together!
We go to baseball games and walks in nature and around the city too.
I cook for him 6 days a week, for us. And he does one day (or we go out or order in)
I do our laundry and we both keep things neat (enough – I do more and am fine with that)
The cleaning lady continues to do the actual cleaning
And Jo continues to do the outdoors
J loves to hear my play piano.
He works, and enjoys it. I have hours each day to myself and from before dinner til the next morning with him. It is bliss
I lose all the extra weight and am healthy and sexy and pretty and have nice clothes
He adores me. It is real. and I feel it.
He revels in my love for him.
We laugh, we share, we talk, we have friends.
We have energy and we relax toegether as well.
The family takes me and our relationship in with open arms.
I love my life! Ilove our life together!

Positive Aspects of Today’s Get-Tog Me and J 6/30/22

  1. He brought me presents
  2. We shared
  3. And laughed too
  4. He shared his book with me. That chapter he’s done. I am so honored and glad and thankful!
  5. And wanted my opinion. Whee hee!
  6. And maybe when it’s time, my help with editing too. Yay!
  7. Good long hugs
  8. We both had nice time
  9. And we both said it
  10. He loved yard and what I’ve done.
  11. Jewelry was involved in the gift too. And it was ALL meaningful!
  12. I served us delicious sweet organic strawberries and blueberries and So Delicious “cream” like Cool Whip type.
  13. Like last time, he was impressed and grateful and happy about how little doggie takes to me as opposed to others.
  14. He also brought toner
  15. Put it in, left the others, and showed me how
  16. And bonus of fancy printer paper for “special” things.
  17. Brought me a larger, cast iron cauldron
  18. and chakra stones
  19. and bought a chart separately of stones and their meanings
  20. 2 necklaces rose quartz for love and Pisces
  21. bunch of little stones
  22. the chakra stones came in a little treasure chest box and he went through the little booklet with me xoxoxoxoxo
  23. I showed him my Tarot cards. First person I’ve shown. He was so respectful and really interested.
  24. And before that, I did a reading for him and he really liked it a lot ❤
  25. The yard even cooperated lol. It was breezy with pretty sky, was mowed/cleaned up this morning and all looked so good and birds all around chirping and flying about and the 2 hydrangeas in bloom. He noticed and liked it all.
  26. Doggie I had treats – she loved the yard, came in the house a bit, and stayed a lot in shade happily. Was even looking at me falling asleep outside a bit xo
  27. J has MUCH less pain!
  28. His writing is amazing.
  29. And he left it with me.
  30. I swear to you this could and will be a movie.
  31. I think I looked pretty. In a nice (casual) dress.
  32. He complimented the necklace on me.

It is good to feel love.

June 30 ’22

**Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joyful.

  1. What a wonderful day I had yesterday!
  2. Two drugstores and car wash and gas and health food store and time with friend with yummy tea and specialty pedicure
  3. Nice little convo with stranger at pedi
  4. to whom I gave my packet of fancy cream:) Chokma. Felt good
  5. Was aware of Chokma all day
  6. At hfs go beautiful yummy things
  7. Including organic peaches, plums, strawberries, and blueberries
  8. and whole wheat sourdough bread
  9. and organic green leaf lettuce
  10. Beautiful things!
  11. And more
  12. My birds are chirping right now
  13. I have the prettiest polish on my toes I’ve ever had
  14. Spent too much yesterday but *will be ok*!
  15. St and I have such good talks. We’re real with each other. All these years. Love
  16. chats with J
  17. Jo here working goody
  18. Drew show cheerful for me.
  19. piano
  20. teas that don’t have caffeine
  21. Abraham Hicks!
  22. My teacher, M
  23. Tarot
  24. Tree of Life
  25. Astrology
  26. Any and all lightheartedness
  27. Empress card (which I picked today xo)

June 27 ’22

**Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joyful.

  1. I have health.
  2. where there is life there is hope
  3. Certainly where there is health there is hope
  4. I probably have good many years to enjoy
  5. trees! lushness of the nature all around
  6. the flowers
  7. my birds today
  8. singing, in other room, flying about more… seem happy! yay
  9. *I’m already feeling a bit better from SIX MINUTES of new mentor’s video. Going back to it now.
  10. Sweetheart, BELIEVE it – you ARE GOOD ENOUGH.! I. Am. Good. Enough.
  11. there is such a thing as “post-traumatic growth.” grit, resilience, becoming stronger, find connection AND this traumatic exp (or plural) can help elevate you to deeper sp connection rel gifts superhero powers.

June 27 ’22

So, how can i help myself. Right now. Starting this very day. Besides lists of positives.

To feel better IN THE NOW.

Okay. Ideas
Tomorrow, Tues June 28 do a workout and take a walk. Then laundry. Eat: grits for B, soup for L, chili for D, watermelon for dessert. Maybe sit outside. Maybe go to book store. Maybe see St.
just relax it’s like you’re in waiting it’s ok. like a snow day. just take it easy. maybe sit at park. or go to mall. also can read at either place. Maybe skip piano cause body needs break from that. Or, just 30 minutes
Wed a workout, and a walk. when cleaning lady comes, go to drugstore and then sit outside and read. or park or mall like Tues. Same eating as Tuesday. Skip piano or 30 minutes only, again, cause pain.

Ok. That’s a good start. But to more assure FEELING good. Do the lists… And? Thinking. Will come back and edit when have idea(s).

Ok. Other Ideas:
Maybe just keeping mind ok NO MATTER WHAT IT MEANS.
Like nap
or sitting out front on bench or little chair
or sitting right no grass with nature
or bringing bell out and meditating outside
or buying flavored seltzer and drinking it and watching tv a lot even. (escape without overeating)
*Don’t judge what you do. Doesn’t matter if buy a book, read a magazine, look at fb, watch a movie…
***Do some Hicks! Don’t worry about the few dollars – you NEED to feel better
*****Hmmmm – the BEACH is open. Hmmm. Maybe go THERE (park or beach)
And – ‘pull from anything that calls to me to support me with claiming myself back and my desires. Can be beautifully weird’ (quote from N)
Because Sweetheart, Please Please Please Remember This:

June 26 ’22

And more

  1. Having made the bed
  2. because getting into a nicely neatly made bed feels good and I will do so tonight
  3. Will have bubble bath before tv tonight
  4. More piano progress
  5. hearing from A just now
  6. I have so much good food here in my home
  7. I have a home
  8. I have a pension
  9. I have fresh and frozen and canned veggies and fruits and beans and veg. burgers and breads…
  10. even spring water.
  11. combs. and brushes. really. realized just now how good it is to have
  12. windows
  13. mirrors
  14. my plants
  15. my feet
  16. my wood floors
  17. and rugs
  18. what else FEELS good – very comfy sleepwear
  19. people who love me. that includes J, Jo, L, A, MT, St, Tr, P, and many many former students. And prob O, and BS and RL and even others. And my nieces and nephews ❤
  20. new starts. all
  21. Tarot
  22. Kether xo
  23. spirituality
  24. that I don’t eat animals
  25. Hicks, Thich Nhat Hanh, K. and HA and M. My wonderful teachers, all.
  26. belief
  27. hope
  28. my life in this moment yes
  29. my little house
  30. my breasts
  31. my digestive system
  32. music
  33. composers
  34. my hair
  35. much more ltfu than I used to be
  36. butterflies
  37. birds
  38. my birdies are singing right now 🙂
  39. my grounds oh I’m SO thankful for thm!
  40. all the workers who have done the things for me here
  41. pedicures
  42. my cleaning lady yay!
  43. my bathroom that I had redone xo
  44. my bed. sleep number
  45. tvs
  46. my sleep
  47. i slept surprisingly well last night and had such interesting, non-troubled, dreams
  48. that I don’t have to work anymore. phew!
  49. i feel kind of like a teenager

June 26 ’22

**Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joyful.

  1. from Abraham: “What we really are encouraging is every day being selfish enough to say: ‘Nothing is more important than that I feel good. And I’m going to find ways today. I’m going to begin my day by meditating and bringing myself into alignment with my Source Energy. And as I move through the day, I’m going to look for opportunities to appreciate, so that all day long I’ll bring myself back into Source Energy.’
  2. Ok. And. So. What feels good. Piano earlier today felt good
  3. Cutting the veggies and putting all together to make the soup just now felt good
  4. Straitghtening all and so house is in good order felt and feels good
  5. my deep breaths feel good
  6. My new face wash felt and smelled good.
    my skin feels good
  7. My hands feel good
  8. Seeing the trees sway feels good
  9. A/c feels good
  10. Caring for birdies this am felt/feels good.
  11. Turning the a/c off feels good
  12. Not having gained, and having lost a little this week feels good.
  13. Not being in a panic feels good
  14. NOT feeling (like I used to), “Oh fuck I woke up,” feels very good
  15. Freedom feels very good
  16. Jo stopping by yesterday morning feels good
  17. Long talk with P yesterday feels good
  18. Laughing with P felt good
  19. My eyesight feels good
  20. The sunroom feels good
  21. I shall sit outside for or after lunch. That feels great
  22. Reading feels good – currently the book “Call of the Penguins.” Which is the sequel to my beloved “How the Penguins Saved Veronica,” known in some countries as “Away with the Penguins.”

June 25 ’22

**Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joyful.

  1. I feel better today than yesterday. Emotionally. Very grateful for this.
  2. Jo came by this morning; that’s nice
  3. *Beautiful* weather
  4. A
  5. all the things – like even when things feel like “going wrong,” I can see I can walk I have a roof I have a car I can drive I can breath etc etc etc
  6. Abraham
  7. piano
  8. this day
  9. Thich Naht Hanh
  10. Anyone who sees these
  11. hummus
  12. my legs


June 24 ’22

**Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joyful.

  1. Hope. I am okay, and there is hope for my future. I have enough health.
  2. MT call. Yay we had nice chat. That’s twice one week.
  3. So much piano. I played better today than maybe ever. Wow!
  4. and was great at word games today too. I’m thankful for, and celebrate, my brain.
  5. That I am able to smile
  6. I sleep
  7. I breathe easily. I’m grateful for breath.
  8. my plants
  9. I am easy to please pretty much at this point
  10. the amount of sunset I can see from here
  11. i am kind, i have friends, people love me
  12. Jo should stop by later. someone did yard work today
  13. soups
  14. Things really are always working out for me (Hicks)
  15. Hicks (Abraham)
  16. bubble baths
  17. body “souffle” with such a lovely mild fresh clean scent
  18. my clean laundry
  19. my washer and dryer
  20. my friendliness with strangers
  21. and theirs with me
  22. will see MT soon
  23. and St too
  24. my divinity
  25. “Kether”
  26. my hair
  27. Tarot
  28. my outdoor spaces
  29. trees!
  30. soon beach
  31. and park too
  32. my flowers
  33. sweet rain
  34. music
  35. my hearing
  36. my hands
  37. my eyesight!
  38. my education
  39. my pension!