Rant to Joy Sept 30 ’22

“Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joy.” AH

  1. I. Got. The. Garbage. Out. Phew! Yay! The 4 bags from doing the hobby cab and music cab. I kept wanting to take them down last night but NO ONE else’s was out. The chart said today pick-up day no suspension…. But that happened once this summer, on a Friday no less and yet there was no pickup. I did NOT want to have to go down and bring them all back up (heavy). Well at like 10 pm I saw two neighbors had put theirs out.
    But I was too tired, and in jammies… So I though, oh well.
    Now the thing is, I always wake up at about 8:20 am. That’s just my natural rhythm. And this morning – I woke up before 7!
    Ran them right down! This feels so good!!!
    See? Things ARE always working out for me!
  2. I’m FEELING good!
  3. Dear friend has been sending me icky things – sad things, gross things – I mentioned and it appears to have now stopped yay!
  4. And – i have nice plans for today. pedi/ friend/ health food store. Yay me!
  5. Wearing new top. So comfy/cozy ahhh
  6. Tonight while tv’ing, I will do den table – maybe parts of desk as well.
  7. Other than that, whole day off 🙂

    And now:
  8. I’m SO glad for this day!
  9. I did some in the d.r.
  10. and played some Mozart
  11. and met friend
  12. we had a great 3 hour 15 minute chat chat chat visit!
  13. I got food from hfs (need to get a few things tomorrow as well – lucky me!)
  14. and some mags for my vision board
  15. birds about one foot from me, eating their treats right now!
  16. LOVED my dinner I just had
  17. will make pasta e fagioli tomorrow
  18. can just relax with tv now
  19. tomorrow will walk, shower, make quick run to store, and continue with my work here
  20. and enjoy it all!
  21. and a little piano too, maybe 🙂

Rant to Joy Sept 29 ’22

“Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joy.” AH

  1. took time making schedule to get everything done around here that i want to
  2. then started:)
  3. yesterday started hobby cab – is a big job
  4. finished it today. was right on schedule.
  5. and went ahead and did music cab! another big job
  6. I’m so grateful that I’m ABLE to do these things!
  7. tomorrow I will get to see St
  8. and will do breakfront and d.r. pile
  9. that will all feel great!
  10. was talking on phone yesterday and saying how fortunate (cousin and I ) we are – we have eyesight, safe place to live, car, food in fridge!

Things I Love and Want to Do More of – Sept 27

  1. Crewel work embroidery – including drawn on designs. Don’t stress, just do, as always used to! ❤
  2. Needlepoint
  3. Crochet
  4. Knit
  5. Read
  6. Piano
  7. Workouts
  8. Memorize Tarot
  9. Finish drawers/closets (love when it’s done)
  10. Spiritual things like meditation 10 minutes a day even, and new and full moon things, altars, quiet time plants…
  11. Bird time
  12. Some writing

    And new:
  13. punch needle
  14. more “specialty” cooking
  15. book club An is about to start 🙂
  16. Can consider some type French lessons again

    Wow! A lot can change this winter

Rant to Joy Sept 26 ’22

“Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joy.” AH

  1. I’m back!
  2. That. I. Feel. Good. Yaaaaaaay! After all is said and done, I feel good.
  3. That always happens!
  4. Laughter!
  5. Creative people
  6. including me!
  7. I really really like being a homemaker.
  8. It will be even better when it is for US not only me 🙂 Yup. It’s coming.
  9. My eyesight!
  10. Nice chat with J the other day!
  11. Great Equinox things 🙂
  12. Making the right decision last night re: eating. It was close lol
  13. I FEEL better when I eat well!
  14. Abraham!
  15. Foods came yesterday. I lvoe the things I got! Including lots organic. And including:
  16. baby spinach
  17. romaine
  18. whole wheat pita
  19. water
  20. flavored water
  21. celery
  22. red lentils
  23. cannellini beans
  24. bananas
  25. grapes
  26. pastina
  27. Dave’s killer everything bagels
  28. and more!
  29. I also have chickpeas and
  30. pinto beans
  31. and rices
  32. and pearl barley
  33. and brown lentils
  34. and peanut butter
  35. and sugar free jelly
  36. and more! Such wealth!

Fabulous Fairy Tale Sept 22 ’22

My Equinox weekend brought me to the next level!
I love everything in my life right now! Daily! And nightly! 😉
Our love life together is heaven!
Our financial position is more than we ever used to dream of, much more than we need, and plenty to use for helping others!
Our home is our haven!
Every day is health and laughter and sharing and honestly and feeling alignment and true to self and having each other’s backs!
Friendships are thriving and satisfying!
Families are close and happy!
And – there’s plenty of on-my-own time too!
Piano, embroidery, reading, walking, time in nature !!, birdies, doggie, all of it!
I am SO happy and appreciative!

My new starts really worked. And now, I LOVE My house!I’m back to how it was when people would come in and name a random object and I’d be able to say, “My dresser, bottom drawer back right,” kind of thing! I love it!

I look so good every day. And – it is effortless again! Like when I was young! I love it!

Every morning, I wake up feeling SO GOOD!
AND – it is not dependent on someone – anyone – else!
It is LOVELY – lovely lovely lovely being with him – and different than dependent

Rant to Joy Sept 22 ’22

Happy Autumn Equinox!

  1. I have many classes this weekend yay!
  2. I have been absent from here for a day. Needed to. Now, it’s a kind of a new start and I’m happy about it!
  3. I enter this liminal space, between summer and winter, with so much to be grateful for! Including:
  4. my eysight!
  5. piano!
  6. feeling fine about life
  7. not afraid of winter
  8. books
  9. Looking forward to course things. It feels SO good to be looking forward to things!
  10. I’m glad I did the laundry yesterday. Everything done.
  11. And I MIGHT do the sheets today… Might lol
  12. I have enough clothes (always had too few for many years – not that I have so many now, but enough!!)
  13. Today I’ll have time for piano
  14. and for reading ahhhh
  15. Next week I’ll go back to the little job a day (if not sooner)
  16. Birdies chirping right now. Is adorable. Ahh
    Tarot! ❤ ! ❤
  17. I am not dreading winter – I’m actually now excited about it! Will have time for the things I do so love! Tarot, Tree of Life, other classes, piano, people, exercise, and more! Am SO glad not working!
  18. That. I. Feel. Good. ! ❤
  19. About to start the special class now, and asking for Magic xoxoxo

Rant to Joy Sept 20 ’22

“Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joy.” AH

And from now on to remember this:

  1. Abraham Hicks. Oh thank you, thank you!
  2. Can I be content today, exactly as is? YES! I can!
  3. Remember the days in a row recently when I felt good all the time! Yaaaay!
  4. Got hair cut and colored. Came out great; I love it
  5. Had good chat too. Place was empty and we could really talk. I love them there
  6. And the woman who does my hair sounds like my relatives – Italian accent same inflection xo
  7. Piano. Is so good for my mood! It helps me enjoy, feel good, be prductive yet relaxed, and feel confident about myself!

And thank you, Thay xo

Rant to Joy Sept 19 ’22

“Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joy.” AH

  1. It is 11:40 am as I write this and alas I am fine. Woke excited cause 7 full days of eating clean and weight loss shows, then not so fine for a bit. Less than five hours after waking, am fine (again).
  2. Uncomfortable feelings ALWAYS pass. Even the worst ones did. I won’t mention them here ’cause not to bring it up, but they did. Ok. I’ll mention. Early sudden death of beloved father, J leaving, and mother’s devastating illness. The bad feelings passed! Suicidal wishes, deep and strong Passed! “NEED” to binge – didn’t last every moment forever. Desperate pain after injury – gone! They ALWAYS pass xo
  3. I. Am retired!
  4. I. Have eyesight!
  5. I have my car, with gas in it.
  6. Tomorrow I shall get my hair cut and colored.
  7. Been watching queen’s funeral since I woke up (with brief pause cause carpenter ant guy came). And – am actually MORE accepting of aging and death, mine and loved ones’. Thankful for that. Very.
  8. This very land on which my home sits. I love, cherish, honor, and appreciate her. So much. And every time I’ve put bare feet on her, sat on her, looked at her (as right now)..
  9. Than you to the native peoples who lived here before me. And the two previous homeowners as well.
  10. I love summers. And have loved this one. And am looking forward to the next one
  11. But first – I shall ~ENJOY~ fall
  12. and winter
  13. and beautiful spring.
  14. my courage. my strength. my fortitude.
  15. my humor
  16. my having lightened up SO MUCH!
  17. piano. and the gift of it it is to me,
  18. through my mother
  19. and faterh
  20. and Miss U
  21. and Mrs B
  22. and O
  23. and J
  24. and Bah
  25. and Scarlatti
  26. and Beethoven
  27. and Mozart
  28. and Clementi
  29. and Mozart
  30. and Chopin
  31. and Rachmaninoff
  32. and all of them xo
  33. Abraham Hicks!
  34. I know I’ve said my eyesight before, but I am truly SO happy that the surgeries went PERFECTLY! And that my eye doc called my eyes “young and healthy” just weeks ago! He said he was very happy… Ahh this is such fortune. I can see the beauty of the trees,
  35. in every season
  36. And I can see the lovely sky
  37. and the clouds
  38. and the miraculous birds
  39. and grasses
  40. and flowers
  41. I can see the music, to read it and play
  42. I can see to do all the daily things…
  43. I can see J’s faces, eyes, lips, hair
  44. I can see the Tarot cards
  45. I can see the people in my zoom classes
  46. I can see my sweet birdies
  47. I can see the waters of our earth
  48. I can see the print in books!
  49. Sat outside and read for a bit today.
  50. Enjoying my book
  51. I can afford all I need
  52. I can see my pretty pedicures
  53. I can see my clothes – the colors –
  54. I can see jewelry – I love godl, I love gemstones… ahh
  55. every night’s sleep
  56. every morning when I wake up
  57. every dream
  58. every time of relaxation
  59. soon is our equinox retreat. I’m looking forward!
  60. my exciting class starts end of october! excited about it!
  61. working on High Priestess card
  62. I had two concerns for a “couple” of days on and off. One was that my class thought I needed to pay, when in fact I should be paid through March, and it made me think “Oh no, how I would miss this class!” Which – the good news is – served to make me appreciate it MORE!
    And the other – I had a little beginning to sink – over J…
    So I went to class this evening with full mind and heart. And loved it. It helped. I am grateful for the help! And must – well will CHOOSE to – continue to do these things xo

Fabulous Fairy Tale Sept 19 ’22

I love my new story – my life – so much better than every before!

I know my own worth now. Ahhh. And when I started knowing my own worth, things started changing
That is, when I started knowing I am beautiful. My smile is electric. My eyes are appealing and soulful. My skin is clear and healthy. My body is made so beautifully. Even my ears and feet are pretty!
I walk into a room and people light up. They say things like, “Oh good, ____’s here! Now we can have fun. Now we can laugh.”
Friends are comfortable being themselves with me. They are able to share. Including vulnerabilities.
I am affectionate. I am compassionate. I am thrifty – enough. I am open-minded.
I’m smart.
I do what’s needed to make and keep a really nice home
I am hospitable
OMG YOU KNOW SOMETHING? ALL OF THE ABOVE – EVERY SINGLE FEATURE – IS TRUE NOW ALREADY NOT FAIRY TALE WOW – WOW!! Now, moving into fairy tale from there (with some repeats):

I am beautiful
and smart
and nice
and fun
and funny
and I keep a lovely home
And he saw it and couldn’t resist anymore!
So now he is here!
and he is loving me!
and he is enjoying it all too!

He smiles at me so big in the mornings
And I hear his lovely voice
We already share humorous things between us before he even leaves for work
He sits and has coffee and / or breakfast with me (I prepare it almost always; once in a while he does). Outside, weather permitting.
He holds me in his arms and kisses me with such love before leaving and I do with him as well. Even the look we give each other is of such appreciation!

While he’s at work, I so totally enjoy my time too! I do the things (which I happen to like!) like cooking, laundry, little touches here and there to make things nice, sewing as needed…
And I get a pedi almost every two weeks (when cleaning lady is here)
I meet friends for tea, lunch, and walks! Even for time at beach during the season.
I walk. And walk and walk. And love it!!
I spend time with our doggie, and our birdies.
I take care of the plants
I embroider.
Of course I practice piano. A lot.
I continue to love my course!
I color
I read
I chat on phone

When he’s out of work, evenings weekends and vacas, we spend our time together.
We play cards and board games, we read or he writes while I read, we watch movies, we have people over, we walk, we go to movies and concerts and dinner, we go visiting. What a life!
We put up Christmas tree together every year and LOVE doing it! We love our life!
We go on a mini-vaca once or twice a year, and a bigger one at least every two years. And we absolutely love them all!

We don’t have to have external excitement every minute. But we do get a nice amount:) And most of the time, we live a regular kind of life – happily floating along, downstream ❤

I run bubble baths for him sometimes:) He appreciates that.
I take mine at night.
We get into bed all fresh and clean and relaxed and have a great time there together!

There is plenty of time for everything, and we are truly enjoying our life!