Nov 10 ’23

  1. Feeling SO GOOD today!
  2. Literally in car said aloud, “I FEEL SO GOOD!”
  3. That my prescription had run out. Because it pushed me to go OUT to store to inquire could I get 2 pills ’til it comes through
  4. And getting out was so great for me!
  5. And I picked up other things I needed from drugstore as well
  6. And – the candle I need, from the dollar store right there!
  7. Then went to market for whole wheat rolls 🙂
  8. Some things needed did not get from drugstore because were cheaper on amazon, so ordered them
  9. The weather is a crisp fall day with beautifully colored leaves. Just lovely!
  10. My car – washed and filled from few days ago. Feels so good to be on top of things!
  11. Had WONDERFUL class today! Loved it! And the timing!

Nov 8 ’23

  1. Ahh. Feels so good to not be worried about today’s appointment. I’d thought I would be. Nope
  2. Ahh. Feels so good to have just paid all my bills. In full and on time as always.
  3. And to be totally able to afford them each month. Ahhh. I feel so fortunate, really. xo
  4. And I just realized that I do something kind of like Abraham’s ledger practice. Cause many months I pay toward principal on car payment. And not only does that mean it will be paid off sooner (last car was a YEAR earlier!), but it also must be adding to my not-worry about money!
  5. Had skin-check. All is well. And – I don’t even have to go back for TWO years! xo 🙂

Nov 7 ’23

  1. I love when people are nice to me (as I am to them!). Like yesterday at bank
  2. And today at motor vehicles
  3. I love when friends are there for each other. As Jo is for me. And I am for him.
  4. I love love love that J wanted to see me few days ago!
  5. I loved my coaching session yesterday!
  6. I loved and enjoyed a school dream – yes really – last night!
  7. I loved the WW treats I just had
  8. I LOVE that I ate well for a whole week!
  9. And – saw a 3 pound weight loss this am.
  10. I love the soft sweater I wore today
  11. and the soft nightgown I have on now
  12. I love that things really do work out for me! In both big AND small ways
  13. I LOVED this morning’s class
  14. And last night’s two
  15. I LOVE My cousins! Yaaaaay!
  16. I love cherry sparkling water
  17. I LOVE that my groceries get delivered 🙂
  18. I love the new toy for my birdies
  19. I love Abraham!

People are so nice wherever I go! (As am I)
At the airport everyone was so helpful and nice. I was not nervous at all!
All over London people so nice to me! People on the tube and at Kensington Palace, drivers, waiters and waitresses, concierge, just everywhere!
At the bank the people are nice and that one is a gem!
At supermarkets!
At the farm market!
At the alterations place!
The exterminator!
The tree guy!
The post office
When I call the city or the health ins people…
At the eyeglass place
At the bookstore
At Starbucks
At parties
My father was right – people are mostly good:)
❤ ❤ ❤

Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is the most familiar vibration that you have.

I KNEW it was coming! By how he did want to see me
And now, we are together. And SO happy.
I love everything, and at this moment I can honestly say I love especially:
cuddling in bed at night together
waking up smiling together
having morning coffee together
seeing each other on days off, all day and night ahhhh
and on regular days, for dinner and til the next morning
dinners together
going into city together
walking in nature together!
doggie time together!
going away on vacations together!!
going to parks, beaches, friends’ and family’s houses together!
Having people over, here!
reading together, chatting together, watching movies/tv together, laughing together, doing crafts and puzzles together, me cooking FOR us AND us cooking together AND him cooking for us, putting up and taking down Christmas decs together, going to the movies together, making love together, ordering in Chinese food and playing games and cards and enjoying dinner together, sleeping like afternoon nap on rainy Saturday together. EVERYTHING!!

Nov 4 -5 ’23

So far – and hope to come back later (5th) as well.


  1. Jo did the leaves and we prayed
  2. Did the med with D
  3. I contacted Tr and MT to pray extra for G
  4. Went to bank. they were closed it turns out. But – it was a *beautiful* day! Air temp, breeze, and trees!
  5. FELT good
  6. Came back and honestly don’t remember what I did lol. But I FELT good
  7. And ate well – again. Yay!
  8. It is getting easier to do so at nights
  9. And the feeling when awaken is SO good!
  10. I have slowed down – purposely and in a good way.
  11. Like not rushing through the “doing things.”
  12. Nice shower today and
  13. Made bed nice nice and
  14. dishwasher running now
  15. Put away both loads of laundry immediately yesterday
  16. Oh – THAT’S what I did lol – laundry
  17. And chatted a bit on phone
  18. AND getting *everything* ready for today: present and card, clothes and shoes, switched pocketbook, and cleaned jewelry. I love being all ready in advance
  19. And I feel SO good when I get all the things done in time. Or a little early, without pressure though
  20. Birdies have treats today oh yes
  21. New foraging toy is there for them – they will get to it and love it when they are comfortable enough to
  22. Expect to see J this week ❤

Being invited to things and saying yes.
And THAT’S always easy:)
Getting TO do the thing is getting easier and easier too! And eating well helps it to be!
Recently I’ve been invited and done: dinner with St, visits w J, wedding, birthday celebration at restaurant, big party (coming soon)
It feels so good to do it!
Even got my hair curled for wedding and party ooh lala:) (And I will figure out how to do for self too!)
I still have plenty of time to myself and love being out with and even among people. Relieved and appreciative

Thinking of what I want and shall have is so nice!
Great primary relationship! Where we appreciate each other! And I am given little tokens of it and affection and love all the time. And we have affection and smiles. And laughter and fun. And mutual support. And vacations together! Our own interests which we love sharing and having shared, and mostly all mutual interests! Same values. Lots of agreement. OPEN-MINDED listening.
Time just the two of us AND with others. Where we have honest talks and light times out movies etc and board/card games and fun
Health and eating so well and moving and being trim and fit and enthusiastic and confident and energetic
Friends and cousins and nieces and nephews and his sisters and brothers 🙂

Nov 3 ’23

  1. I had that magical feeling again today. Like yesterday. And some other times. Like it was just HERE. And it STAYED. !
  2. Like, I was driving along feeling great. And after being out for 3 1/2 hours, I remember even starting to say to myself, in the car, “Shouldn’t there be SOMETHING wrong?” (Hello, old tape). But I caught myself! With, “If I feel great, I feel great. Period! Stay with it!”
  3. Picked up few items needed at supermarket
  4. Then had hair coloring
  5. Then market
  6. Then other supermarket
  7. Then home
  8. Hair looks so pretty. She curled it for me. So nicely.
  9. I’ve had two good, delicious, healthy, good-for-weight meals and in a little bit will have a third, and a small baked apple:)
  10. Relaxing
  11. Tomorrow will relax a lot
  12. Need to be 100% better
  13. VERY glad I CAN afford to relax (retired and no “emergencies”)
  14. House is all clean
  15. Birds are enjoying their foods right now, little sweeties. Tomorrow they’ll get treats ❤
  16. Last 2 days meditated earlier – like that better! Kind of “sets up” the day
  17. Receptionist at hair place and I have nice chats
  18. and today she touched me warmly
  19. Although I didn’t get nearly as far ahead financially this month as I’d planned, I am on even newer budget now. I can do this! (I’m not just saying that i truly know I can)
  20. I am very very fortunate. Freedom
  21. and safety
  22. and a home
  23. and a car
  24. and J in my life!
  25. and Jo to do all the things
  26. and I am able to manage affording everything
  27. and my cousins
  28. and my nieces and nephews
  29. and my friends
  30. and Abraham
  31. and my cleaning lady
  32. and tv
  33. and Internet
  34. and my laptop
  35. and my phone
  36. and my heat in the house
  37. and my slippers!
  38. and my new socks ahhh:)
  39. emergy boards
  40. washer and dryer
  41. soups homemade and even some (healthy) canned ones
  42. Tasty Bites Indian Coconut Squash Dal!
  43. Seeds of Change Brown Basmati Rice
  44. Romaine
  45. Tomatoes
  46. Whole grains and even whole wheat
  47. fb
  48. humor
  49. cell phone
  50. coupons
  51. savings cards at stores, like membership cards
  52. convenience. I could WALK to my local supermarket if I had to
  53. and EASILY drive to a number of others
  54. Not to mention deliveries
  55. and takeout
  56. and convenience stores
  57. and all the food I always have in this house. Very fortunate indeed
  58. Not to mention EASY walk to pharmacy
  59. And they know me
  60. AND they deliver too, anyway
  61. I have vitamins
  62. and supplements
  63. I have workouts
  64. and weights
  65. I have my precious piano
  66. I have beautiful plants
  67. I have the beloved ancestors
  68. and those who stewarded this land before I
  69. I have my amazing classes
  70. I have my faith
  71. I have Abraham
  72. I sleep
  73. I dream
  74. I cook
  75. I have full use of my body, my senses, my limbs, my brain…

Thank You

So, there’s this *delightful* little fb page. Called whataboutbunny
Oh my gosh, how I enjoy it!
It’s a sheepadoodle who communicates with word buttons and her people.
It is sweet and brilliant and fascinating and so much fun
I am really quite enamored with it!
I might even ask for the book for Christmas!
LOVE and enjoy and appreciate this page!

I had that feeling yesterday AND today! And ooooh!
The feeling is – and I’m getting it back just by thinking of it! is:

satisfied with everything in my life right this minute
a knowing. that it has all been worth all of it. everything
a deep contentment with life
delicious anticipation
scrumptious living
loving life
unfettered breath

Nov 2 ’23

I’ve been sick but emotionally lots good has happened! In fact, I’d started on Nov 1, but became really sick and just took care of THAT!

  1. Halloween Day was awesome! I had a very spiritual day, a very fulfilling day!
  2. 2 LOVELY classes
  3. And made Day of the Dead altar
  4. Had nice phone chat with P
  5. Meditated with D
  6. It was lovely and I felt amazing
  7. That night, none of the ancestors, like from my altar set-up showed up in my sleep but M from work was there, reminding me to have more fun! (Dream? Vision? Apparition? Visit? Who knows?!)
  8. Yesterday I was sick but I took care of myself. Had some bad emotional feelings, but didn’t want to give in to them so I took care of myself physically, AND did the Abraham Hicks workshop and colored during.
  9. I also got my groceries delivered. Good good things. Organic: romaine and tomatoes and onions and whole grain bread, 3 vegan Greek style yogurts, a couple of cans of low sodium Amy’s soups, meanwhile eating my own homemade healthy yummy soup.
  10. I got other things I needed too, like freezer baggies, toilet tissue, paper towels, dental floss, instant brown and wild rice, 2 baguettes (freezer) and I don’t even remember all!
  11. And I’d gotten up early and baked a banana bread for Jo. He came to do work and really appreciated it.
  12. After the workshop, I took a shower and met with friends online. We had a lovely Day of the Dead (which is officially today) ceremony.
  13. I put on Vics and went to bed and slept well.
  14. I felt so much better this morning! Not 100% but really good. Took quick shower so not going outside with the Vics still on and:
  15. Cleaning lady came and I went to get a pedicure. Ahhh. Wore good mask just in case (for me and others)
  16. Came home took shower and been relaxing
  17. Ate well – again YAY!
  18. Meditated with D
  19. Tomorrow I get hair colored. I think I’ll skip cut this time again and just let her curl it a little. I love that.
  20. Sunday is a family party
  21. J wants to see me YAY. I couldn’t today cause still sick and really not up to it, and – didn’t want to make him sick either.
  22. In another week is another family party.
  23. The week after I’ll se St.
  24. Lots good goin on, including getting so much better today AND nice things coming
  25. I. Felt. Emotionally. Great. Today! Just – positive and fine and grateful and really REALLY ENJOYING every minute. And not grumpy angry anymore either! Or down. YAY!

I love getting pedicures!
I appreciate that I have the means to do so!
AND that they are good a block away from me!
I can, and sometimes do, walk there!
They know me.
They are good to me.
I tip well.
Almost every time also, it means the cleaning lady is here. Ahhh.
I love sitting there.
I read. Today something light that I’m loving.
It is a wonderful way to pass the time.
And my feet are so soft.
And mostly always polished.
And I love the massage involved!
I love the luxury, the convenience, everything about going for my pedicures!

I KNEW we were getting closer! And I was right!
He appreciates me now
And I have come to realize how we must cherish those we love. No one of us will last here forever. It is all a treasure.
And now, we are both satisfied and content. And happy and excited. And fun-loving and happily anticipating even more for the future!
I LOVE my life.

Oct 30 ’23

  1. Both meditation times today
  2. My special journal book came yay
  3. Class tonight was lovely
  4. Both calls were!
  5. My eyesight
  6. Speaking up for myself more
  7. AND that this anger energy will pass (in terms of moon and eclipse etc)
  8. Will do altar tomrrow for Day of the Dead
  9. and have class the day after
  10. focusing more on what feels good to me. Thank you, Abraham.
  11. coloring these two days
  12. not ordering tonight PHEW
  13. I appreciate our little group we have
  14. and sleep and dreams!
  15. and – waking up!!
  16. i appreciate being alive, and having stayed alive
  17. my good soup yum so healthy
  18. clementines
  19. whole grains
  20. water
  21. humor

Our Little Group
We have come to a place of loving and accepting each other.
and it is so nice to have that in my life
I am fully myself there
I think we all are
We accept each other and where are at
We welcome when someone new shows up
We don’t try to convince/change each other
We chat we laugh we cry we pray we learn together
This is really special!
I love our little group!

It is all wonderful!
I have health.
He does too.
My body feels good! And strong and energetic and vibrant.
And his does too!
I look forward to the future with joyous anticipation and I believe in it
And he does too
And the now feels to me: secure, fun, loving, happy, positive, healthy, whole
It is all wonderful!
I have health.
He does too.
My body feels good! And strong and energetic and vibrant.
And his does too!
I look forward to the future with joyous anticipation and I believe in it
And he does too
And the now feels to me: secure, fun, loving, happy, positive, healthy, whole
And to him too!


Oct 29 ’23

Many things I appreciate from these days

  1. L’s help Fri evening
  2. Me getting past the very negative emotion Fri night within maybe an hour YAY!
  3. Piano yesterday
  4. French lately
  5. Taking the must-finish-Tarot-degree-within-x-months off myself!
  6. Have started on my get that money back journey
  7. This full moon and eclipse.
  8. My BELIEF in changes! Miracles! Growth! Magic! The help of the elements and the moon…
  9. Great class Fri night!
  10. Nice class yesterday!
  11. Nice visit with Jo yesterday
  12. Nice P talk yesterday
  13. Really nice dreams last night. NICE
  14. No class tonight
  15. and one I’m really looking forward to tomorrow
  16. made a BEAUTIFUL soup today
  17. Teeth are flossed and brushed earlier than usual yay
  18. great showers
  19. new shampoo
  20. new slippers!
  21. Giving really nice gift to little D, of coloring pens and Sharpies. I’m excited to give them!
  22. House in order!
  23. Some new fb pages

Abraham says you focus on something you have only good feelings about.
Well this pic is one.
Lots of pics are.
Including the two I colored today.
I like color
I like whimsy
I like “folky” types of pics
I like happy paintings
I like kitties and almost every animal:)
I like magical unrealistic partly realistic
I like cozy looking houses real or fantasy – and the colors too
I like bright
I like happy
I like light
! ❤ !

What joy! What a relief! What gratitude! What appreciation! What fulfillment! What happiness!
I am LOVING being in a great primary relationship! A healthy relationship! A supportive mutual fun enjoyable sexual romantic physical mental emotional spiritual lovely satisfying relationship!

Oct 25 ’23

  1. What a wonderful wonderful day!
  2. I had a tremendous coaching session today! So deep. So -beyond what words would have done. Wowie!
  3. Then straight from it(!) I did an Abraham workshop. Ohhhhhhh it was WONDERFUL! I appreciate!
  4. During the workship I colored. And enjoyed
  5. and angel one (finishing from last time)
  6. and a witchy one
  7. with lots of sparkles!
  8. Straight from that, I went to the fresh market. Ahhh.
  9. I got 3 kinds of fresh leafy greens
  10. clementines
  11. seedless red grapes
  12. figs!!!!!
  13. mini cucumbers – what a wealth!
  14. tomatoes
  15. whole wheat rolls to freeze
  16. whole wheat, like mini-baguettes to freeze. Ahh to all fo it!
  17. from THERE, I went to pick up my FOUR new dresses, all hemmed!
  18. Came home and Jose was here 2nd time today. Yay!
  19. He was doing work 🙂 ( I knew, as he’d shown up just when I was leaving)
  20. While he was working, I went right downstairs and put the dresses in the washer!
  21. When he finished, we sat and had tea and figs together! It was so nice!
  22. Little things today led me to say more than once, “Wow! EVERYTHING really DOES work out for me!
  23. Like the second Abraham said, “This is a good time for a segment of refreshment,” was the very second I had finished the angel coloring.
  24. And the second they said the ending words was the very second I’d finished the angel one.
  25. The young cashier at the market and I had such nice rapport
  26. I was able to go down and hang the dresses and turn on the dryer for the other little things I’d thrown in right before Jose left! Perfect!
  27. Now I am all cozy in a SOFT nightgown, slippers and robe. Ahh.
  28. I had a bowl of my beautiful, delicious, nutritious veggie/pinto bean soup with a seeded whole wheat roll and a few grapes yum

I feel very appreciative

I love produce
I love THAT I love produce!
tomatoes oh yum!
fresh watery leafy greens – so refreshing!
artichokes! Oh!
green beans – love love love them
sweet potatoes
collard greens!
Wow! I’m sure there’s more, but these come to mind right away and I LOVE them all!
To think, there are so many ways to enjoy them
and they are so healthy
and not fattening
and good for my emotions
Thank you, God. I call these “God food.”
And I appreciate them very much. And my easy access to them. And even mostly organic. Wow.

imagining it all – body, environment, relationships – ahhh
My perfect body. Healthy, limber, strong, tight, firm, able, beautiful!
Dressed in lovely clothes and jewelry.
Walking, running up and down stairs, swimming, doing workouts, making love, being comfortable being touched anywehre.
Even wearing hats!
Breath is easy, speech is easy, eyesight is 100% perfect.
I LOVE and APPRECIATE my body!
My home – it truly is my haven! I’m so comfortable here.
Everything is done. Things that come up get taken care of right away. All is afforded, and easily. The cleaning lady continues to do so well, as she appreciates her job here as much as I appreciate her!
The neighborhood is lovely, people are friendly, as neighbors. It is safe. It is clean. We have garbage and recycling pick-up. Walking around here is a joy! The nearby park, the short walk to the drugstore, the food places that deliver, the supermarkets and small fresh markets, the main road with everything you could wish for on it (including my bank!), post offices, UPS and FedEx places, everything is so convenient! My doctors and dentist and avian vet are not very far either!
It is a short drive to: beach, big cities, and mountains! Wow! We really have it all!
Ah relationships. My primary relationship gives me the most wonderful feelings! Of security, joy, togetherness, belonging, safety, fun, adventure, excitement, appreciation, love, compassion, sexual fulfillment, romance, cuddleliciousness, and teh joy of giving! I enojy everything we do together! WE are supportive of each other. WE have such fun together! WE enjoy our life! I am happy doing the things I do on my own. And, I know then we’ll be together. So I get both! Wow, lucky me!
My friendships continue to be so satisfying. We love, respect, trust, admire, and enjoy each other, my friends and I. And we are supportive of each other of course as well.
And my family. My beautiful family. God bless them I am so happy we have EACH OTHER! We love and respect care for and appreciate each other. And we laugh together. And sometimes even cry together.
We get to have holidays birthdays and eanniversaires.
Ah, Life!

Thank You!

❤ ❤

Oct 24 ’23

  1. Loved both classes yesterday!
  2. And this mornings!
  3. Speaking up more in classes
  4. and really having fun in French class!
  5. Nothing “unwanted” to do today
  6. will change ‘tude about tomorrow’s and Thurs’s, knowing that I WILL enjoy them!
  7. THN with friend just now ahhh
  8. I just had the NICEST feeling – like the cooking I will do when… (I cook now too lol)
  9. Doing this earlier in the day yesterday and today – then seems feeling comes sooner and stays longer
  10. Noticing the good feelings when first awaken and for those minutes after
  11. Will be milking it more.
  12. Looked around rom this morning in class to see what notice (she’d said to) and noticed – colors! brightness! cheer! very good-feeling
  13. I will pick up my dresses, hemmed, tomorrow! 🙂
  14. I just called J. I said I’m here (as he is struggling physically and emotionally thought those aren’t the words used). It was like 15 secs to tell him and ask him to make sure he really heard it. He said thank you. I appreciate it. We said goodbye (me first) and hung up. But it did sound like he was asleep. And I thought about it today and wrote it out and then decided no, shorten it and say it in words not in writing. So what I’m appreciating is that I followed my heart and head and Inner Wisdom, and class-learned things including today. Now what it is, it is. But I feel good about what I did and how.
  15. I didn’t send the email to Ad. I was very upset and was up for hours in middle of night (SO unlike me) and wrote it then! So then I shortened it/ consolidated it.
    And didn’t send. Will mention lightly. Not something to make into a drama. She meant well; of that I am certain. I’m appreciating what I did and DIDN’T do, that I came to realize she meant well, and that she does mean well.
  16. Friend asked me about sister today – knew nothing! – and could not get over how calm I was when explaining the situation. I AM calm about it. In terms of it is what it is and I accept, I forgive, I don’t want her in my life and am glad she isn’t, but I truly wish good things for her.
  17. I just watched a recording of me – and although I happened to look – not my best lol that day – I found that I am adorable – because I’m honest and open and brave and feeling and emotionally available and so open-minded and accessible and spiritual and fun. Yes.
  18. Somehow, after whatever (not gonna activate it here or now), I feel just fine 100% fine. And I appreciate that!
  19. I love French!
  20. I love piano!
  21. I love Tarot!
  22. I love salads!
  23. I love cherry flavored sparkling water!
  24. I love J!
  25. I love “my” birdies!
  26. I love dresses!
  27. I love when I do errands!
  28. I love Jo!
  29. I love A!
  30. I love Tr!
  31. I love MT!
  32. I love my nieces and nephew so much!
  33. I love and like myself!! Wow. Yay.
  34. I love my sweet charming cozy pretty unique little house
  35. I love “my” trees very very much!
  36. I love that I am able to get everything taken care of around here!
  37. I love LC!
  38. I love HA!
  39. I love MN!
  40. I love DS!
  41. I love and appreciate my brain!
  42. I love and appreciate my eyes!
  43. I love and appreciate my hands!
  44. I love and appreciate my feet!
  45. and legs
  46. and arms
  47. and breasts
  48. I love and appreciate good bras
  49. I appreciate my car
  50. I appreciate my humor
  51. I appreciate all my good sleep

I love my big class!
The teacher has integrity. And knowledge. And experience.
The people it calls to are lovely!
I have made some friends, even.
It is a pretty large group, and meets and meets and meets.
I pay by the year! That’s why I call it my “big class”
It is a totally safe space. We are ale to be 100% truly wonderfully and perfectly ourselves. I have shown up with dirty hair, I have shown up depressed, I have shown up dressed and made up, I have mostly always shown up regular. I have cried there. And laughed there. And grown to be able to speak better and better.
I have done retreats online and chants online and singing online and clapping and cheering for others and sharing from my depth and giving compassion to others. We are connected.
I have learned so much about life!
I am in ways different than I was 3 years ago when I started.
I love my class I love the teachers all. I appreciate it! I am so thankful for this joy!

I love when I live in the vibration of my “fabulous fairy tale:”
We support each other in times of need
We laugh and enjoy and play and have fun
We are happy and grateful and appreciative to have each other.
We know how precious we and the other is!
We know how precious the relationship is!
There is a sense of – ease. Of relaxation. Of satisfaction. Of truly enjoying where we are and looking forward to what’s to come. And yes, we even have step 5:)
Our life is good, our home is perfection, our money is plentiful!
Life is so good to me! Things are always working out for me!