Abraham Practices for Today Apr 29 ’24

  1. The vegetable stew I made yesterday.
  2. And had again for breakfast today.
  3. My good sleep last night
  4. And the interesting dreams!
  5. My beautiful new pink lace bra that I’m wearing
  6. The screen door *will* get put in
  7. My new arrangements of my manifestation boards now ahhh
  8. J in my life! Buy HIS choice!
  9. I have enough
  10. Columbo
  11. Piano
  12. “My” birdies singing now
  13. My digestive system
  14. My breath
  15. My classes
  16. My 3 grats and intention for feeling, each morning
  17. People who think of me.
  18. Hope. In life.
  19. Cleaning up my email
  20. Online shopping
  21. Jigsaw puzzles. I think I’ll do some of one today! Or tonight!
  22. The glorious spring weather these days!
  23. The Agatha Raisin books!
  24. Feeling better just from doing this!

One thing to focus on, that already feels good!

Manifestation Boards
I LOVE them!
I love doing them, I love having them
They are like little works of art around m. Colorful, bright, positive. Changing.
They have magic annd miracle-potential
I like thinking of them, plannign for them, looking through magazines and Internet for images and pics, cutting them out or printing and cutting them out
I like selecting the background color oaktag
I like arranging them
I like gluing them on
I like looking at them
I like sitting near them

They remind me to celebrate, to savor, to enjoy, to love
They remind me to appreciate
They remind me of the fact that my life’s good now – and better than before – ad getting better!
They remind me of what is possible AND COMING!

They are fresh, they are new, they are creative, they are colorful, they are feel-good, they are magical, they are me, they are mine.
They attract.

I love my manifestation boards!

My life script:

I have lost all the weight.
Everything that has happened in my life has brought me to where I am now.
I have decided it, and called it in.
I am very powerful!

What I have decided and allowed to be, now is.
I am in a living-together committed loving marriage relationship with J.
We love our house. WE might or might not decide to move, to another place we’ll love!
Wherever we are, we love.
We go out, we stay in, we have friends, and families.
All that we need or even want done gets done.

His book is published and doing so well.
We have more money than we ever thought we’d have. Much more than we need.
We travel a little. We enjoy it so much!
We are safe and excited and calm and happy and romantic and sexual and best best beset friends.
We laugh we play we love we experience.

My circle of friends has widened! I enjoy time with them
A number of them are couple friends and we both love that!

I am fulfilled.

I am great at piano and give a little concert each year. Sometimes I play for people in betwee too. Like Christmastime…

I enjoy perfect eyesight, and J does too!
Our brains are strong ,our memories great, our intelligence keen and our humor still mischievous.
We feel young and perfect!

Sometimes we read together, or he reads to me – he’s finally finished 84 Charing Cross Road

I look so good in my lacy bras. And all my clothes!

I speak French well!

I am a *wonderful* cook and J “loves” eating my food. We even say thanks before eating.
We even have people over for casual get-togethers in the backyard and for dinner parties inside!

We enjoy beaches together and parks and theaters and walks in nature.
Our dog does not affect our birds!

All is well in our world!

April 15, 2024

Some things I feel good about aka appreciate!

  1. Bills are paid
  2. I love French class
  3. My wonderful class tonight
  4. Manifestation boards. I think I’ll make an Abraham one soon – I know, they all are, but I mean with Abraham quotes etc in specific.
  5. Not the nightmares last night
  6. Our prayer circle
  7. J talks today
  8. USING things now. Not “saving” things! More and more!
  9. My niece xo
  10. Piano!
  11. Mozart!
  12. Doing some French work today!
  13. That I can buy a binder, notebook, etc.
  14. 3 baby gifts I was able to buy xo
  15. Friends.
  16. MT, Tr, St, A, Jo
  17. Bunny the sheepadoodle. Always makes me feel good!
  18. My chats with A. The deep ones *and the shallow ones. And, the helpful ones.
  19. Typing. I do so enjoy it.
  20. This blog journal
  21. I have *plenty* of food in the house!
  22. Taxes will be done xo
  23. Comedies
  24. My home
  25. D.r.
  26. Flowers outside!
  27. Bird song outside!
  28. And inside!
  29. Tomorrow I should be able to take a *nice* walk!
  30. That I CAN walk!
  31. LC
  32. I have my close friends AND I have THREE groups in which I can be totally ‘otally myself! The prayer circle, the book group, and the heal group. XO
  33. So-called “hardships” have brought me so much. Including ability to do for myself, to sleep well even alone, and much more. They’ve led me to a LOT of healing.

Abraham Apr 3 ’24

Appreciation for:

  1. Paid credit card this morning.
  2. Little by little I am catching up.
  3. Already put down payment on big July course
  4. My new mantra
  5. Piano
  6. Chopin today
  7. Veggie/hummus sandwiches
  8. Adjustment for WW app that will work for me
  9. A
  10. MT called and we had a nice chat
  11. I have felt cozy during these dark windy pouring rain days xo
  12. Netflix “The Crown”
  13. I have plenty of healthy food in the house
  14. Including organic veggies
  15. and fruits
  16. whole grains
  17. nuts
  18. seeds
  19. hummus
  20. pb
  21. homemade sauce
  22. meat analogs
  23. tofu
  24. tahini
  25. lentils
  26. chickpeas
  27. pinto beans
  28. fresh basil and parsley
  29. lots of spices
  30. a number of teas
  31. and will get more groceries on Friday

April 1, 2024

Some of the things I’m very much appreciating!

  1. The wonderful visualization teacher did the other night!
  2. And the other one other teacher did recently too. I love them both.
  3. How I spent yesterday, Easter. I had one class, and I did spiritual things.
  4. I will finish new “board” this rainy week
  5. And maybe make diorama of my place in the woods!
  6. remember to do 2 things appreciate + 1 thing appreciate that’s to come, + intent for the day every morning.
  7. Remembering to take sacred moment every morning and evening for my intent of love.
  8. J kissed me on the lips last Monday ❤
  9. Made a pictorial model of my sacred space to go to. It was fun to do.
  10. MT called. We had a nice chat
  11. Had that magical feeling again yesterday (or was it last night lol)
  12. Good sleep and got up nice and early
  13. Coffee/books mornings ahhh
  14. Great shower
  15. My hair is really responding to this shampoo!
  16. I just got the garbage out yay
  17. If I’d not had all the… with Ji, I’d not have grown out of where I was, or even worked
  18. If I’d not have had the good AND the heartbreak with J, I’d have never found my current practices and spirituality
  19. The magic I feel in my very blood when i do the deeply spiritual things
  20. That I sleep
  21. And well
  22. And dream
  23. And well
  24. And remember so many!
  25. Omg how piano just went after spiritual things!
  26. That WW is taking away most of the usefulness of the website. It upset me very much. But I just saw that can download the app onto computer and did so. And the way I felt through it all has only served to recommit me (was feeling like giving in tonight)


Appreciation Mar 30’24

  1. Coffee
  2. Escarole salad – which I just had for breakfast!
  3. Jo, reading the 5 mindfulness trainings with me
  4. Getting my groceries yesterday
  5. Bird care
  6. Plant care
  7. Visit yesterday morning
  8. Nice chat J yesterday
  9. Water
  10. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, I “have all the conditions to be happy.”
  11. I have a home
  12. I have retirement
  13. I helped hundreds and hundreds of children!
  14. I am alive
  15. and healthy
  16. and breathing
  17. I have eyesight
  18. There is an Abraham workshop today online!
  19. Although money is tight, I CAN afford it!
  20. I just gave deposit for the big class coming up
  21. Tarot
  22. Biddy Tarot

Grats, One Good Great Thing, and Fabulous Fairy Tale March 28 ’24

So much i appreciate!

  1. My class Sunday and the things I did afterward and how I *felt* so spiritual and magical. It was a *beautiful beautiful* feeling!
  2. I feel physically well today
  3. I will shower tonight and go see P tomorrow, then come home and shower again and relax
  4. Groceries
  5. beans and rice
  6. artichokes
  7. fresh green beans
  8. Water. Water water water.
  9. toilet paper
  10. paper towels
  11. napkins
  12. my dining room table
  13. my vision board
  14. my friends and closies. including:
  15. A
  16. H
  17. K
  18. D
  19. St
  20. MT
  21. Tr
  22. A
  23. AM
  24. Jo
  25. J in my life xo
  26. The Elements. Ahhh.
  27. my spiritual easy access XO ❤ XO
  28. sheet music, and that i can read it.
  29. my hair with this wonderful shampoo
  30. my teachers
  31. my classmates
  32. retirement!
  33. my integrity

My health is really going well!

My eyesight is perfection for my life
I have strength
I have energy
I have stamina
My brain is so good
My skin is healthy
All my med tests came back wonderfully
My breathing is so so good
My voice is wonderful
I have perfect hearing
I can walk
I use my hands readily for so many things!
I sleep well
I enjoy reading (eyesight, brain)
My digestive system is perfect upper and lower even saliva.
My feet are so good
I have leg muscles that serve me so well!
Because of my fine body, I am able to breathe in the smells of spring, to talk to and care for my birds and plants, to walk and drive and play piano and do whatever I want!
I do SO appreciate my health!

Ah the feeling.

Security, being cherished, confidence in gift picking, delight in the cooking, enjoyment of our talks and our laught
enjoyment, security, calm, excitement, appreciation, knowledge, understanding, cherished, loving, happy, laughter-filled, happily busy, forward-looking with joy, ease!

Pick a Thought That Feels Better (posted march 7) – keep track now – Day 1 of 30 – March 14, 2024

The work is just starting somewhere and improving the way I feel, and then starting somewhere and improving the way I feel. And your Source will wake you up at 3:00 o’clock in the morning, and because you feel pretty good, you’ll remember your dad or something that is upsetting to you, but you have a better chance of forking cleaner when you first wake up than if you wait until something’s really been bothering you.

That is the work. And we think that it is helpful that all of you are hearing this in this way. Are you beginning to get it that the issue that feels like the issue isn’t the issue, and the issue that you thought was the issue beneath the issue usually isn’t the issue either? In other words, there’s something deeper in your vibration that you picked up, how long ago? Who knows, and who cares? It may be way back. It might have happened in your first year of life or in your tenth year of life; it doesn’t matter. But now, in whatever year of life you’re in, you are now able to clean it up now, clean it up now, clean it up now, clean it up now. You don’t have to go back and re-work all of that, you just start where you are and pick a thought that feels better, and start where you are and pick a thought that feels better.

And in 30 days, with the life that shows itself to you, and if you are tenacious about your intention to feel good, you can clean your vibration up on every subject, because all of these peripheral issues (that aren’t really the issue) are pointing back at a handful of things, so if this subject causes you to get down there and clean it up, and this subject causes you to get down there and clean it up, before you know it, you’ve improved the way you feel on so many subjects.

And so, we can feel you already – now when you get on the internet or you go to some singles meeting, you are a different person right now than you were when you walked in this door. Your entire world has shifted because the vibration which is you which is at the center of your world has shifted, and a whole different group of people are now queued up to rendezvous with you. It’s sort of like you just dialed into a whole different dating pool. (Fun)

So now, if you’re playing this game really the way we want you to, what happens is you play, play, play, play, and in a little while you announce to yourself or to us “I don’t really need a relationship because I’m feeling so good.” And then you say “But I can see the advantage of one for this reason, and this reason, and this reason, and this reason.” And in that absence of need and that presence of desire, now something really in keeping with who you are walks in, and you lay eyes on him and you say “Come to me,” and there’s no struggle – he says “I’ve been looking for you, too.” Good. 😊🌈

– [ Abraham speaking in Washington, DC on October 15, 2005 ]


What I’ve Been Waiting – a Long Time – to Hear -Mar 7 2024

The work is just starting somewhere and improving the way I feel, and then starting somewhere and improving the way I feel. And your Source will wake you up at 3:00 o’clock in the morning, and because you feel pretty good, you’ll remember your dad or something that is upsetting to you, but you have a better chance of forking cleaner when you first wake up than if you wait until something’s really been bothering you.

That is the work. And we think that it is helpful that all of you are hearing this in this way. Are you beginning to get it that the issue that feels like the issue isn’t the issue, and the issue that you thought was the issue beneath the issue usually isn’t the issue either? In other words, there’s something deeper in your vibration that you picked up, how long ago? Who knows, and who cares? It may be way back. It might have happened in your first year of life or in your tenth year of life; it doesn’t matter. But now, in whatever year of life you’re in, you are now able to clean it up now, clean it up now, clean it up now, clean it up now. You don’t have to go back and re-work all of that, you just start where you are and pick a thought that feels better, and start where you are and pick a thought that feels better.

And in 30 days, with the life that shows itself to you, and if you are tenacious about your intention to feel good, you can clean your vibration up on every subject, because all of these peripheral issues (that aren’t really the issue) are pointing back at a handful of things, so if this subject causes you to get down there and clean it up, and this subject causes you to get down there and clean it up, before you know it, you’ve improved the way you feel on so many subjects.

And so, we can feel you already – now when you get on the internet or you go to some singles meeting, you are a different person right now than you were when you walked in this door. Your entire world has shifted because the vibration which is you which is at the center of your world has shifted, and a whole different group of people are now queued up to rendezvous with you. It’s sort of like you just dialed into a whole different dating pool. (Fun)

So now, if you’re playing this game really the way we want you to, what happens is you play, play, play, play, and in a little while you announce to yourself or to us “I don’t really need a relationship because I’m feeling so good.” And then you say “But I can see the advantage of one for this reason, and this reason, and this reason, and this reason.” And in that absence of need and that presence of desire, now something really in keeping with who you are walks in, and you lay eyes on him and you say “Come to me,” and there’s no struggle – he says “I’ve been looking for you, too.” Good. 😊🌈

– [ Abraham speaking in Washington, DC on October 15, 2005 ]
