Rant to Joy Sept 26 ’22

“Make a daily rant of everything you are grateful for and keep going with it until you’re feeling joy.” AH

  1. I’m back!
  2. That. I. Feel. Good. Yaaaaaaay! After all is said and done, I feel good.
  3. That always happens!
  4. Laughter!
  5. Creative people
  6. including me!
  7. I really really like being a homemaker.
  8. It will be even better when it is for US not only me 🙂 Yup. It’s coming.
  9. My eyesight!
  10. Nice chat with J the other day!
  11. Great Equinox things 🙂
  12. Making the right decision last night re: eating. It was close lol
  13. I FEEL better when I eat well!
  14. Abraham!
  15. Foods came yesterday. I lvoe the things I got! Including lots organic. And including:
  16. baby spinach
  17. romaine
  18. whole wheat pita
  19. water
  20. flavored water
  21. celery
  22. red lentils
  23. cannellini beans
  24. bananas
  25. grapes
  26. pastina
  27. Dave’s killer everything bagels
  28. and more!
  29. I also have chickpeas and
  30. pinto beans
  31. and rices
  32. and pearl barley
  33. and brown lentils
  34. and peanut butter
  35. and sugar free jelly
  36. and more! Such wealth!

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