Appreciation Nov 18 ’22

It is our promise to you: if you write things
you appreciate in others, in life and in yourself,
you will have such a dramatic change in 30
days, and if continued for 7 months, the
change will be so powerful, so strong, that
others who know you will not recognize the
old you.

  1. I signed up with LC today! I paid and everything! I am excited!
  2. This very morning, I’d worked out how to get more protein. I think I’ve been protein deficient most all of my adult life.
  3. I am grateful for my friendship with St. That has lasted almost 30 years! We enjoy each other, we have things in common, and we are there for each other.
  4. I am grateful for my friendship with A! He knows everything about me. Well, except about #1 above here. Because I don’t want to hear his disbelief in it . . . But we have had wonderful times and big-time been there for each other and still are xo
  5. I am grateful for my divinity.
  6. And yours.
  7. I am grateful for all the healthy food I have here
  8. and that I made a nice size donation to food bank today (I do this around Thanksgiving)
  9. I like me.
  10. And for that I am VERY VERY appreciative! Wow!
  11. I do SO appreciate Abraham and Esther and Jerry. All that they give me/ have given me! XO
  12. I just wrote LC 🙂
  13. And she answered!
  14. My family relationship and frienship with P
  15. She called today.
  16. And while we were chatting she told me of movie “Christmas in Connecticut.
  17. Which I am watching now.

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