Fabulous Fairy Tale Feb 19 ’23

It all started with my little pre-k self, believing in the mysteries: God, Mary, apparitions saints had had…
It continued through elementary school and Masses and Communion and Confirmation and my mother agreeing when I asked, to take me to 7am Mass before school a number of times.
And ahh the walks in nature
Much much later came tai chi
And then Thich Nhat Hanh into my life.
I went on retreats and I met with 2 sanghas over time, and I brought mindfulness meditation to work.
Then Law of Attraction.
Then came Abraham Hicks. Ahhhh Abraham. Touches me so deeply. My knowing of endless possibilities and magical things bigger than we imagine. My Inner Being. Help when I had that injury. So many things, so many times. So much.
Then came HeatherAsh and the mentors and the community.
In there somewhere came back piano. “Swimming.” And “all along,” embroidery and on and off knitting and crocheting. And much of the time, reading.
And beloved Tarot (which is not about fortune telling)
Then finally, I changed my eating.

All of these things contributed to the wonderful life I have now.
And tons of walking did too.

I have now learned to accept myself.
I am no longer afraid of anything. I go into things with an open expectation like a very young child does.

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