Oct 24 ’23

  1. Loved both classes yesterday!
  2. And this mornings!
  3. Speaking up more in classes
  4. and really having fun in French class!
  5. Nothing “unwanted” to do today
  6. will change ‘tude about tomorrow’s and Thurs’s, knowing that I WILL enjoy them!
  7. THN with friend just now ahhh
  8. I just had the NICEST feeling – like the cooking I will do when… (I cook now too lol)
  9. Doing this earlier in the day yesterday and today – then seems feeling comes sooner and stays longer
  10. Noticing the good feelings when first awaken and for those minutes after
  11. Will be milking it more.
  12. Looked around rom this morning in class to see what notice (she’d said to) and noticed – colors! brightness! cheer! very good-feeling
  13. I will pick up my dresses, hemmed, tomorrow! 🙂
  14. I just called J. I said I’m here (as he is struggling physically and emotionally thought those aren’t the words used). It was like 15 secs to tell him and ask him to make sure he really heard it. He said thank you. I appreciate it. We said goodbye (me first) and hung up. But it did sound like he was asleep. And I thought about it today and wrote it out and then decided no, shorten it and say it in words not in writing. So what I’m appreciating is that I followed my heart and head and Inner Wisdom, and class-learned things including today. Now what it is, it is. But I feel good about what I did and how.
  15. I didn’t send the email to Ad. I was very upset and was up for hours in middle of night (SO unlike me) and wrote it then! So then I shortened it/ consolidated it.
    And didn’t send. Will mention lightly. Not something to make into a drama. She meant well; of that I am certain. I’m appreciating what I did and DIDN’T do, that I came to realize she meant well, and that she does mean well.
  16. Friend asked me about sister today – knew nothing! – and could not get over how calm I was when explaining the situation. I AM calm about it. In terms of it is what it is and I accept, I forgive, I don’t want her in my life and am glad she isn’t, but I truly wish good things for her.
  17. I just watched a recording of me – and although I happened to look – not my best lol that day – I found that I am adorable – because I’m honest and open and brave and feeling and emotionally available and so open-minded and accessible and spiritual and fun. Yes.
  18. Somehow, after whatever (not gonna activate it here or now), I feel just fine 100% fine. And I appreciate that!
  19. I love French!
  20. I love piano!
  21. I love Tarot!
  22. I love salads!
  23. I love cherry flavored sparkling water!
  24. I love J!
  25. I love “my” birdies!
  26. I love dresses!
  27. I love when I do errands!
  28. I love Jo!
  29. I love A!
  30. I love Tr!
  31. I love MT!
  32. I love my nieces and nephew so much!
  33. I love and like myself!! Wow. Yay.
  34. I love my sweet charming cozy pretty unique little house
  35. I love “my” trees very very much!
  36. I love that I am able to get everything taken care of around here!
  37. I love LC!
  38. I love HA!
  39. I love MN!
  40. I love DS!
  41. I love and appreciate my brain!
  42. I love and appreciate my eyes!
  43. I love and appreciate my hands!
  44. I love and appreciate my feet!
  45. and legs
  46. and arms
  47. and breasts
  48. I love and appreciate good bras
  49. I appreciate my car
  50. I appreciate my humor
  51. I appreciate all my good sleep

I love my big class!
The teacher has integrity. And knowledge. And experience.
The people it calls to are lovely!
I have made some friends, even.
It is a pretty large group, and meets and meets and meets.
I pay by the year! That’s why I call it my “big class”
It is a totally safe space. We are ale to be 100% truly wonderfully and perfectly ourselves. I have shown up with dirty hair, I have shown up depressed, I have shown up dressed and made up, I have mostly always shown up regular. I have cried there. And laughed there. And grown to be able to speak better and better.
I have done retreats online and chants online and singing online and clapping and cheering for others and sharing from my depth and giving compassion to others. We are connected.
I have learned so much about life!
I am in ways different than I was 3 years ago when I started.
I love my class I love the teachers all. I appreciate it! I am so thankful for this joy!

I love when I live in the vibration of my “fabulous fairy tale:”
We support each other in times of need
We laugh and enjoy and play and have fun
We are happy and grateful and appreciative to have each other.
We know how precious we and the other is!
We know how precious the relationship is!
There is a sense of – ease. Of relaxation. Of satisfaction. Of truly enjoying where we are and looking forward to what’s to come. And yes, we even have step 5:)
Our life is good, our home is perfection, our money is plentiful!
Life is so good to me! Things are always working out for me!

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